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Vail Products® Grubber


The Vail Products Grubber is the ultimate tool for permanent removal of unwanted vegetation and invasive species. Engineered with a robust 10” T-1 steel grubbing edge, this high-visibility attachment is designed to target taproots, ensuring no regrowth or re-infestation. Its non-hydraulic design makes it simple and effective to use across pastures, fields, parks, and residential lots. Whether you're clearing land or establishing a native landscape, the Grubber is a must-have tool for sustained land control and preservation.

Vail Grubber

  • Feature Details
    Grubbing Edge 10” T-1 Steel for superior strength
    Visibility High visibility for precise operation
    Ease of Use Simple and efficient for effective grubbing
    Design Built to target taproots for permanent removal
  • Feature Details
    Purpose Eliminates unwanted and invasive species
    Method Targets taproots to prevent regrowth or re-infestation
    Non-Hydraulic Design Simple attachment, no hydraulics required
    Applications Ideal for pastures, fields, parks, and residential lots
    Sustainability Promotes native landscapes by removing invasive species
    Durability Built for tough environments and repeated use
Vail Grubber
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